
杭州艺福堂茶业有限公司(HANGZHOU YIFU TEA CO.,LTD.)坐落于风景秀丽的东方“休闲之都”——杭州,是一家以有机茶、无公害茶叶加工、科研、进出口贸易为主体,集农业科技开发、生态观光为一体的新型企业。以实体连锁店加互联网直营店为主要辅助平台的销售模式。公司自成立以来,一直秉承“诚信为本,顾客至上”的经营理念,注重产品质量,坚持走高质量路线,并成立了专门的茶叶加工工厂和办事综合大楼,公司新建的GMP工厂是茶叶类首家GMP工厂,在产品安全、卫生、品质等方面更进一步,通过国家食品质量安全市场准入A级认证(即QS认证),确保公司的产品质量符合国家的标准,深得广大消费者的信任与赞誉。公司现有产品1000多种,涵盖中国十大名茶、花草茶等,产品种类繁多、规格齐全,包装新颖,先后成立了6大茶叶基地,拥用有机茶园(绿茶)400亩,无公害茶园(绿茶)2600亩,铁观音茶园400亩。公司产品近几年来多次参加国内各大茶叶评比大赛并多次荣获“金奖”。目前公司经营高、中档的绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、黑茶、白茶、花茶、代用茶(花草茶、含茶制品)等,可以满足不同消费者的需求,深受广大消费者的欢迎。

  艺福堂(YIFU AUDITORIUM FOR TEA),互联网电子商务第一茶叶品牌,自2006年品牌创建以来,以“健康茶,艺福堂”为品牌理念,凭借“你无我有,你有我广,你广我优,你优我专”的产品策略,充分满足用户日益增长的需求及多元化的体验,现已成为中国互联网领域最具影响力、最受用户喜爱的茶叶品牌。艺福堂在互联网上创造了无数个传奇。曾荣获第一届中国C2C高峰论坛“最具发展潜力奖”,同时获得茶叶类“标王”称号。

  “天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃”, 打造百年茶品牌,弘扬中国茶文化,让消费者喝上更多的健康好茶!这一直是“艺福堂”人孜孜追求的!相信品牌的力量!

About us:
  Hangzhou Yifu Tea Co., LTD is located in the beautiful city – Hangzhou city which lies in the east part of China. It is a new enterprise of manufacturing organic tea, pollution-free tea processing, scientific research, import and export trade as the main set, together with the agricultural technology development and ecological tourism. It sales tea mainly by using physical stores and internet guide. Since its inception, the company has been adhering to the "integrity-based, customer first "business philosophy, focusing on the product quality and following the high quality aim. It also sets up a special tea processing factory and common building. The newly-built GMP plant is the first one for this kind of plants in the tea processing area. It has made great progress in product safety, health, quality, etc, and passed the national food quality and safety market access A-level certification (QS certification). This ensures the product quality be in line with national standards, winning the trust of consumers and their praise. The company has 1,000 kinds of products, covering China's top-ten tea, herbal tea, etc. It owns wide range of products, complete specifications, innovative packaging and has set up six large tea bases, owning organic tea garden (green tea) 400 acres, pollution-free tea (green tea) 2600 acres, 400 acres of Tie Guan Yin tea. During recent years, our products have won gold prize in numerous major domestic competitions. Our Company sells the high and middle class green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, jasmine tea, substitute tea (herbal tea, with tea products), etc., so as to meet the needs of different consumers, The tea has being welcomed by the majority of consumers.

  Yifu Auditorium for tea is the top tea brand of the Internet e-commerce. Since its inception in 2006, it has followed the brand concept “healthy tea, great Yifu”. It has being fully met the growing needs of consumers and wide range of experience by following the product strategy” you don’t have while I have, you have while I have more, you have more while I have the excellent, you have the excellent while I have the expert.” It has become the most influential Chinese Internet tea brand and the favorite tea brand. Yifu Auditorium for tea has created numerous legends. It once got the award of the best potential development in the first C2C summit forum in China, gaining the name ”standard tea” over the tea area.

  “Days of His Career, wide sea diving”. Creating a century tea brand, promoting Chinese tea culture, and making consumers drink more healthy tea have been the aims that Yifu people diligently pursue! Do believe the brand power!
  1. 品类齐全,轻松购物
  2. 多仓直发,极速配送
  3. 正品行货,精致服务
  4. 天天低价,畅选无忧
艺福堂一生只做一件事 实实在在做好茶