Dewi Superfoods超级食物來自香料草本王国的印度尼西亚巴厘岛。我们从源头精心细选优质原材料, 每款产品都先经过化验, 确保无农药残留、污染或有害微生物。我们還亲自去闻和尝, 因我们重视营养和美味的平衡。

Dewi Superfoods大部份的包装设计在100-150克,因考虑过客户可以在多少天内食用完, 理解你不会每天都吃同一样的食物;并不是所有人都懂如何把食材保存新鲜和不变味;这就是我们设计小包装的原因。细心顧及每一个细节, 因我们对待客户就像对待好朋友一样﹗

Dewi Superfoods fucus on Bio seasoning, herbs and superfood products delivering from Bali. Our raw ingredients undergo comprehensive microbiological test, rule out the presence of pesticide residues, Food Hygiene, Foodborne Pathogens and contamination to standard scores and negative results.

Our decades of experience are indispensable when it comes to assessing our raw ingredients from a sensory perspective. We are smell them, taste them, feel them and assess their visual appearance on the basis of representative samples provided in advance. Raw ingredients do not meet our requirements are not delivered.

DEWI most package designs only in 100-150 grams, we have a reason!! We have considered how many days for you to finish the food, we understand it's not every day you keep eating the same food, sometimes you feel bored. And not all people know how to keep products fresh and the taste doesn't change, this is the reason why our design products with small packages! We treated our customers like our best friends.

  1. 品类齐全,轻松购物
  2. 多仓直发,极速配送
  3. 正品行货,精致服务
  4. 天天低价,畅选无忧